Nevins Family of Kingston MA and Canterbury CT
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Robert Burnham1,2,3,4,5 (M)
b. 1581, d. between 1635 and 1673, #1856

Reference   8G Grf

Birth* 1581 Norwich, Norfolk, England 
Marriage* circa 1608 Mary Andrews; Norwich, Norfolk, England6 
Event-Misc* 3 September 1635 licensed to keep ordinarye (an inn) at Plantacon where he lives, Ipswich, Essex, MA7 
Death* between 1635 and 1673 England 

Family   Mary Andrews b. 1585, d. 1635
Children  1. Edward Burnham b. 1616
  2. John Burnham+ b. 1618, d. 5 Nov 1694
  3. Mary Burnham b. 1620
  4. Benjamin Burnham b. 1621, d. 1691
  5. Amelia Burnham b. 1622
  6. Lt. Thomas Burnham+ b. 1623, d. 19 May 1694
  7. Robert Burnham+ b. 2 Oct 1624, d. 13 Jun 1691

  1. [S30] Ezra S. Stearns, New Hampshire Genealogical Biographies, 90-1.
  2. [S31] Unknown author, Andrews Family, 41, 177, 179, 556.
  3. [S32] Unknown author, Clevald Family, 1456.
  4. [S33] Unknown author, Doe Des., 36.
  5. [S2] Unknown author, World Family Tree gedcom file submitted by Ricki Lu Pitzner (nee Rodger) 1305 Boundary Rd, Mid WI 53562-3843.
  6. [S90] Genealogy of Cornelia Leonard Nevins, Handwritten genealogy, circa 1920 unknown repository.
  7. [S115] Andrews & Burnham, online

Mary Andrews1 (F)
b. 1585, d. 1635, #1857
Pop-up Pedigree

Reference   8G Grm

Father   (?) Andrews

Birth* 1585 Norwich, Norfolk, England 
Marriage* circa 1608 Robert Burnham; Norwich, Norfolk, England2 
Death* 1635 Norwich, Norfolk, England 

Family   Robert Burnham b. 1581, d. between 1635 and 1673
Children  1. Edward Burnham b. 1616
  2. John Burnham+ b. 1618, d. 5 Nov 1694
  3. Mary Burnham b. 1620
  4. Benjamin Burnham b. 1621, d. 1691
  5. Amelia Burnham b. 1622
  6. Lt. Thomas Burnham+ b. 1623, d. 19 May 1694
  7. Robert Burnham+ b. 2 Oct 1624, d. 13 Jun 1691

  1. [S2] Unknown author, World Family Tree gedcom file submitted by Ricki Lu Pitzner (nee Rodger) 1305 Boundary Rd, Mid WI 53562-3843.
  2. [S90] Genealogy of Cornelia Leonard Nevins, Handwritten genealogy, circa 1920 unknown repository.

Capt. Thomas Lawrence1 (M)
b. 1589, d. 20 March 1625, #1858
Pop-up Pedigree

Reference   8G Grf

Father   John Lawrence b. 12 January 1562, d. 24 January 1609
Mother   Elizabeth Bull b. 1562, d. August 1609

Burial* St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England 
Birth* 1589 St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England 
Marriage* 23 October 1609 Joan Antrobus; St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England 
Death* 20 March 1625 St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England 

Family   Joan Antrobus b. 25 June 1592, d. after 29 January 1661
Children  1. Joan Lawrence b. 29 Aug 1610, d. 31 Aug 1610
  2. Jane Lawrence+ b. Sep 1614, d. 2 Mar 1680
  3. Marie Lawrence b. 17 Nov 1616, d. 28 Nov 1616
  4. Thomas Lawrence+ b. b 8 Mar 1619, d. 1703
  5. John Lawrence b. b 27 Jul 1622
  6. William Lawrence b. 1623, d. 1680
  7. Mary Lawrence+ b. 1625, d. 27 Mar 1715

  1. [S2] Unknown author, World Family Tree gedcom file submitted by Ricki Lu Pitzner (nee Rodger) 1305 Boundary Rd, Mid WI 53562-3843.

Joan Antrobus1 (F)
b. 25 June 1592, d. after 29 January 1661, #1859
Pop-up Pedigree

Reference   8G Grm

Father   Walter Antrobus b. circa 1555, d. 5 April 1617
Mother   Joane Arnold

Birth* 25 June 1592 St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England 
Marriage* 23 October 1609 Capt. Thomas Lawrence; St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England 
Marriage* after 1625 John Tuttle; St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England 
(Witness) Immigration 7 June 1635 Mary Lawrence; Mary [Marie] Lawrence came to America on The Planter [Nicholas Trerice, Master]. The Planter sailed from London on April 2, 1635 and arrived in Boston on June 7, 1635. She came to America with her mother, Joan Antrobus, who was the 2nd wife of John Tuttle. She had 3 children by her first marriage to Thomas Lawrence - John, Mary & William Lawrence. SEE LAWRENCE FAMILY HISTORY2,3 
Death* after 29 January 1661 Carrickfergus, Ireland 
Note* After her 1st husband died, she married John Tuttle. Joan, John, 3 Lawrence children, 4 Tuttle children and her mother, Joan [Arnold] Antrobus, came to America on 'Planter' in 1635. Jane [Lawrence] Giddings and her new husband also immigrated on 'Planter'. They were accompanied by servants. SEE ANTROBUS FAMILY HISTORY 
Note Mary Tuttle needs a birth date. Joanna Tuttle's birth date has to be wrong. These need checking 

Family 1   Capt. Thomas Lawrence b. 1589, d. 20 March 1625
Children  1. Joan Lawrence b. 29 Aug 1610, d. 31 Aug 1610
  2. Jane Lawrence+ b. Sep 1614, d. 2 Mar 1680
  3. Marie Lawrence b. 17 Nov 1616, d. 28 Nov 1616
  4. Thomas Lawrence+ b. b 8 Mar 1619, d. 1703
  5. John Lawrence b. b 27 Jul 1622
  6. William Lawrence b. 1623, d. 1680
  7. Mary Lawrence+ b. 1625, d. 27 Mar 1715

Family 2   John Tuttle b. 4 June 1596, d. 30 December 1656
Children  1. Abigail Tuttle b. b 24 Nov 1628, d. a 1635
  2. Mary Tuttle
  3. Sarah Tuttle b. c 1633
  4. John Tuttle b. b 21 Mar 1634
  5. Simon Tuttle+ b. 1637, d. Jan 1692
  6. Joanna Tuttle b. 24 Sep 1664

  1. [S2] Unknown author, World Family Tree gedcom file submitted by Ricki Lu Pitzner (nee Rodger) 1305 Boundary Rd, Mid WI 53562-3843.
  2. [S115] Andrews & Burnham, online
  3. [S116] Passenger list for the Planter 1635, online

John Cogswell1,2,3 (M)
b. circa 1592, d. 29 November 1669, #1860
Pop-up Pedigree

Reference   8G Grf

Father   Edward Cogswell b. 1554, d. 1616
Mother   Alice ?? Cogswell b. 1559, d. 11 May 1616

Note* At age 23, he succeeded to his fathers' business and settled down in the old homestead. His parents died soon after his marriage and he received his inheritance, 'The Mylls called Ripond, situated within the Parish of Frome Selwood,' together with the home place and certain personal property. Like his father, he was a manufacturer of wollen fabrics, largely broadcloths and kerseymeres. The superior quality of these manufacturers gave his 'mylls' a favorable reputation, which appears to have been retained to the present day. There are factories occupying much the same locations and still owned by the Cogswells, which continue to put on the market wollen cloths that in Vienna and elsewhere have commanded the first premium in the world exhibitions of our times [1880s] After about 20 years after his marriage, with a family of 9 children and having the accumulations of a properous business, John and Elizabeth Cogswell determined to emigrate to America. He and his family came to New England on the 'Angel Gabriel' in 1635 with the Burnham family. John Cogswell and his wife Elizabeth settled at Ipswich. The Cogswells were also involved in an attempt to prevent the execution of Goodwife Proctor in the Salem witch trials. According to Ipswich In The Massachusetts Bay Colony, 290-291, by Thomas Franklin Waters, The Ipswich Historical Society, 1905: 'Five members of the Cogswell family were among the twenty prominent people who signed the petition drawn up by the Rev. John Wise on behalf of Goodwife Proctor, who stood accused of witchcraft. Mary Warren alleged that she had been threatened and abused by Goodwife proctor, and that she had seen apparitions of people who had long since been murdered by the wife of John Proctor. This evidence prevailed and the good woman was sentenced to death.' 
Birth* circa 1592 Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England 
Marriage* 10 September 1615 Elizabeth Thompson; Westbury, Leigh, Wiltshire, England4 
(Witness) Immigration 27 May 1635 Lt. Thomas Burnham; Came over on the "Angel Gabriel". Wrecked on the coast of Maine. Settled at Ipswich


On the last Wednesday in May, 1635 (May 27th), the ship "Angel Gabriel" a strong ship of 240 tons, and carrying a heavy armament of 16 guns swung at her moorings in the King's Road, four or five miles distant from the city. Her destination was Pemaquid. On her deck was "a company of many Godly Christians", some from other ships, bound for New England. The wreck of the bark, Angel Gabriel, a major disaster in the middle of the "Great Migration". It was wrecked in a great storm, probably a hurricaine, in August 1635 off Pemaquid Pt. Maine.

According to the "Lighthouses in Maine" site one of the passengers was a man who left his wife behind planning to send for her after he became established. Although he survived the wreck, his wife was afraid to follow him after what had happened to the Angel Gabriel. He was unable to face the journey back to England, so they never saw each other again. A visitor to this site has sent me information that the man who was seperated from his wife was John Bailey who also left behind his son, Robert, and one or more daughters.

What follows is a partial list of some of the ships passengers that I have compiled from the internet and other sources. There is, I understand, a complete list on a plaque at Pemaquid Maine. I intend to complete this when I obtain the full list. If you have any additions or corrections to this list please drop me a note.

Follow this link for some notes concerning Capt. Andrews and his three Burnham nephews

Capt. ROBERT ANDREWS      Ship's Master     Ipswich, Mass
JOHN BAILEY , Sr.     a weaver from Newbury
      Chippenham, Eng.
John Bailey, Jr.      b.1613
Johanna Bailey (poss. came on a later ship soon after)
(Dea.) John Burnham
Thomas Burnham
Robert Burnham
RALPH BLAIDSDELL      of Lancashire       York, Maine
Mrs. Elizabeth Blaidsdell
Henry Blaidsdell
JOHN COGSWELL      43      Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire      Ipswich, Mass.
Mrs. Elizabeth (Thompson) Cogswell
                         abt 41      "                              "
Mary Cogswell           abt 18           "                              "
William Cogswell      abt 16           "                              "
John Cogswell           abt 13          "                              "
Hannah Cogswell      abt 11          "                              "
Abigail Cogswell      abt 9          "                              "
Edward Cogswell      abt 6          "                              "
Sarah Cogswell      abt 3          "                              "
Elizabeth Cogswell      infant          "                              "

SAMUEL HAINES      abt 24     Apprentice to J. Cogswell     prob. Ipswich
                                                                      Later Dover Point
JOHN TUTTLE                     Dover                               Ipswich
                                                                      later Dover NH

Death* 29 November 1669 Chebecco, Ipswich Co., Massachusetts 

Family   Elizabeth Thompson b. circa 1594, d. 2 June 1676
Children  1. Mary Cogswell b. 1617, d. 1677
  2. William Cogswell+ b. 6 Mar 1619, d. 15 Dec 1700
  3. John Cogswell+ b. 1622, d. 27 Sep 1653
  4. Hannah Cogswell+ b. 1624, d. 25 Dec 1704
  5. Phyllis Cogswell b. Jul 1624
  6. Abigail Cogswell b. 1626
  7. Edward Cogswell b. 1629
  8. Sarah Cogswell+ b. c 1632, d. 24 Jan 1732
  9. Alice Cogswell b. 1632
  10. Ruth Cogswell b. 1633
  11. Elizabeth Cogswell b. 1635

  1. [S6] Abraham Hammatt, Hammatt Papers, 59.
  2. [S13] John Farmer, Gen. Reg. of the First Settlers of N.E., 64.
  3. [S2] Unknown author, World Family Tree gedcom file submitted by Ricki Lu Pitzner (nee Rodger) 1305 Boundary Rd, Mid WI 53562-3843.
  4. [S77] LDS FamilySearch, online, AFN: 2T5T-F0.
  5. [S90] Genealogy of Cornelia Leonard Nevins, Handwritten genealogy, circa 1920 unknown repository.
  6. [S115] Andrews & Burnham, online

Elizabeth Thompson1 (F)
b. circa 1594, d. 2 June 1676, #1861
Pop-up Pedigree

Reference   8G Grm

Father   Rev. William Thompson b. circa 1540, d. 1623
Mother   Phyllis ?? Thompson d. after 19 July 1608

Birth* circa 1594 Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England2 
Marriage* 10 September 1615 John Cogswell; Westbury, Leigh, Wiltshire, England2 
(Witness) Immigration 27 May 1635 Lt. Thomas Burnham; Came over on the "Angel Gabriel". Wrecked on the coast of Maine. Settled at Ipswich


On the last Wednesday in May, 1635 (May 27th), the ship "Angel Gabriel" a strong ship of 240 tons, and carrying a heavy armament of 16 guns swung at her moorings in the King's Road, four or five miles distant from the city. Her destination was Pemaquid. On her deck was "a company of many Godly Christians", some from other ships, bound for New England. The wreck of the bark, Angel Gabriel, a major disaster in the middle of the "Great Migration". It was wrecked in a great storm, probably a hurricaine, in August 1635 off Pemaquid Pt. Maine.

According to the "Lighthouses in Maine" site one of the passengers was a man who left his wife behind planning to send for her after he became established. Although he survived the wreck, his wife was afraid to follow him after what had happened to the Angel Gabriel. He was unable to face the journey back to England, so they never saw each other again. A visitor to this site has sent me information that the man who was seperated from his wife was John Bailey who also left behind his son, Robert, and one or more daughters.

What follows is a partial list of some of the ships passengers that I have compiled from the internet and other sources. There is, I understand, a complete list on a plaque at Pemaquid Maine. I intend to complete this when I obtain the full list. If you have any additions or corrections to this list please drop me a note.

Follow this link for some notes concerning Capt. Andrews and his three Burnham nephews

Capt. ROBERT ANDREWS      Ship's Master     Ipswich, Mass
JOHN BAILEY , Sr.     a weaver from Newbury
      Chippenham, Eng.
John Bailey, Jr.      b.1613
Johanna Bailey (poss. came on a later ship soon after)
(Dea.) John Burnham
Thomas Burnham
Robert Burnham
RALPH BLAIDSDELL      of Lancashire       York, Maine
Mrs. Elizabeth Blaidsdell
Henry Blaidsdell
JOHN COGSWELL      43      Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire      Ipswich, Mass.
Mrs. Elizabeth (Thompson) Cogswell
                         abt 41      "                              "
Mary Cogswell           abt 18           "                              "
William Cogswell      abt 16           "                              "
John Cogswell           abt 13          "                              "
Hannah Cogswell      abt 11          "                              "
Abigail Cogswell      abt 9          "                              "
Edward Cogswell      abt 6          "                              "
Sarah Cogswell      abt 3          "                              "
Elizabeth Cogswell      infant          "                              "

SAMUEL HAINES      abt 24     Apprentice to J. Cogswell     prob. Ipswich
                                                                      Later Dover Point
JOHN TUTTLE                     Dover                               Ipswich
                                                                      later Dover NH

Death* 2 June 1676 Chebecco, Ipswich Co., Massachusetts 

Family   John Cogswell b. circa 1592, d. 29 November 1669
Children  1. Mary Cogswell b. 1617, d. 1677
  2. William Cogswell+ b. 6 Mar 1619, d. 15 Dec 1700
  3. John Cogswell+ b. 1622, d. 27 Sep 1653
  4. Hannah Cogswell+ b. 1624, d. 25 Dec 1704
  5. Phyllis Cogswell b. Jul 1624
  6. Abigail Cogswell b. 1626
  7. Edward Cogswell b. 1629
  8. Sarah Cogswell+ b. c 1632, d. 24 Jan 1732
  9. Alice Cogswell b. 1632
  10. Ruth Cogswell b. 1633
  11. Elizabeth Cogswell b. 1635

  1. [S2] Unknown author, World Family Tree gedcom file submitted by Ricki Lu Pitzner (nee Rodger) 1305 Boundary Rd, Mid WI 53562-3843.
  2. [S77] LDS FamilySearch, online, AFN: 2T5T-F0.
  3. [S90] Genealogy of Cornelia Leonard Nevins, Handwritten genealogy, circa 1920 unknown repository.
  4. [S115] Andrews & Burnham, online

Adam Hawkes1 (M)
b. 26 January 1605, d. 13 March 1672, #1862

Reference   8G Grf

Christening 26 January 1605 St. Andrews Church, Hingham, Norfolk, England2 
Birth* 26 January 1605 Westbury, Leigh, Wiltshire, England2 
Marriage* Ann Hutchinson 
Death* 13 March 1672 Saugus, Essex, MA2 

Family   Ann Hutchinson
Child  1. Susannah Hawkes+ b. 13 Aug 1633, d. b 5 Aug 1696

  1. [S2] Unknown author, World Family Tree gedcom file submitted by Ricki Lu Pitzner (nee Rodger) 1305 Boundary Rd, Mid WI 53562-3843.
  2. [S77] LDS FamilySearch, online, AFN: 8P7M-5W.

Ann Hutchinson1 (F)

Reference   8G Grm

Marriage* Adam Hawkes 
Note* 1634 Boston, MA, Could this be the Anne Hutchinson who "landed in Boston [in 1634] and began to preach a variety of religion that tested the patience of the authorities to the limit"? Anne Hutchinson was an Antinomian, but accused of Familism, a doctrine founded by a Dutchman, Hendrick Niclaes in the 16th Century, and held that mankind had become sinless since the Crucifixion; thus any human impulse should be deemed pure. Antinomianism was preached by Anne Hutchinson from her house in Cambridge, MA, and caused great controversy.2 

Family   Adam Hawkes b. 26 January 1605, d. 13 March 1672
Child  1. Susannah Hawkes+ b. 13 Aug 1633, d. b 5 Aug 1696

  1. [S2] Unknown author, World Family Tree gedcom file submitted by Ricki Lu Pitzner (nee Rodger) 1305 Boundary Rd, Mid WI 53562-3843.
  2. [S160] David Lindsay, Mayflower Bastard, pg. 97.

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Kathryn Bassett

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Site updated (from data in The Master Genealogist) on 9 March 2006